For those of us who struggle with sleep, the word “sleep” can be ominous, evasive. We lie down, and hope. For years I struggled with what we call in yoga “Chitti Vritti”, a chattering or fluctuating mind. Many of you know the feeling all too well. A faucet of thoughts that seem to drip (and maybe even flood) all night long. Thoughts keep pouring in and restful sleep is nowhere in sight.
Learning to quiet those thoughts, is a goal we strive for in yoga. Chitti Vritti Nirodha can be translated as a removal of the fluctuations in our minds. This removal, takes time and practice to learn how to turn off those dripping thoughts at night, once and for all.
Here are several suggestions to help you get started in the process, and it can be done, while lying in bed.
Exercise – The National Sleep Foundation lists Exercise as one of the most important components of getting a good night sleep. A new study concludes, “People sleep significantly better and feel more alert during the day if they get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week.”
A nationally representative sample of more than 2,600 men and women, ages 18-85, found that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a week, which is the national guideline, provided a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality. People also said they felt less sleepy during the day, compared to those with less physical activity.”
Practice 3 Part Breathing – While you are in your bed, try lying on your back and slide a pillow behind your knees. Close your eyes, and breathe softly in and out through your nose. As you breathe in, notice each of the following.
The Belly
The Ribs
The Chest
The objective is to fill the body on your inhale in that particular order. Belly expands, ribs open up and chest lifts. The breath then releases in the opposite order. Chest, ribs and finally belly, either through the nose or out the mouth.
Think of your belly like a balloon. As you inflate it, it should expand.The belly of the balloon fills first, then the middle and finally the neck. It should deflate in that order as well. The belly deflates last. This pattern of breath is sometimes referred to as 3 part breath and when done slowly, it can relax the central nervous system, giving the body the ability to relax and move towards sleep.
Use a Mantra -Repeat the sequence: belly, ribs, chest, chest, ribs , belly, in your mind as you breath. A repetitive phrase that takes your thoughts away from other elements is called a MANTRA. As you repeat this pattern of the breath, this mantra will become associated with sleep.
Place a lavender eye pillow over your eyes – For centuries, the calming scent of lavender has been used to create a sense of calm and aid in sleep.
For more tips on how to create a better routine for sleep go to sleepfoundation.org
1.)Standing forward bend
2.) Seated Bound Forward Bend.
3.)Childs Pose
4.) Feet Up the Wall pose
5.) Plow
6.) Supported Back Bend
7.)Supported Shoulder stand
8.) Supported Savasana with the Breathwork.
Sue Parsley
CMC Berkshires Wellness Director
Owner/ Instructor Lenox Yoga