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Throughout the winter months, there is a buildup of stagnant energy in the body that occurs , particularly in the colder northern...
Straighten up with Pilates
Straighten up with Pilates Have you ever noticed that when you step in front of a mirror, you instinctively pull your shoulders back just...
Come OM for the holidays
Coming Om for the holidays Often Holiday time can be very challenging for many of us, with feelings of loneliness and separation...
When you can't sleep...
For those of us who struggle with sleep, the word “sleep” can be ominous, evasive. We lie down, and hope. For years I struggled with what...
Sacred Space
A sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again’(Joseph Campbell)When I think about the space I created in my home for...
The 4 C's of Fitness
Many people have the goal of “getting” or “staying” fit. The number of obstacles however, can be many. Finding time, figuring out...
Yoga isn't just a practice, it's a way of life
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